In this Blog entry, the professional Chicago commercial lock installation team here at Chicago Locksmith will detail the most dangerous types of security threats that card access control systems can help prevent in your Chicago area business.
Modern workplaces have a ton of activity, visitors, employees, and contractors entering and exiting. While this is essential for productivity, it also exposes your business to a wide range of different security risks, many of which are too dangerous for traditional mechanical Lock and Key Safety approaches. It’s essential to protect your business from such threats, and installing a car access control system can be a major stop Gap in preventing a wide range of contemporary security risks.
Card access control systems can help protect your Chicago area business from a range of security risks including:
- Unauthorized Access– card access control systems will grant special entry based on a range of specific credentials, drastically lowering the risk of unauthorized access at your Chicago property. you will have very specific control over who can enter your property, and when they can enter, making sure that only authorized Personnel can access your general property, or sensitive and secure areas within your property.
- Credentials Stealing – stolen or lost keys are a major security risk for businesses of all sizes. card access systems lower the risk of lost keys, by allowing you to instantly deactivate lost cards. card access systems utilize a range of multi-factor Authentication principles, combining a physical object like the card with a pin number or even a retinal or fingerprint scan. This makes it much more difficult for potential criminals to steal credentials from your workplace in order to wrongfully gain access to your property.
- Tailgating– tailgating, which is the term used to describe somebody following an authorized person through a secure entrance at your property, is a very common security breach that affects businesses throughout the world. card access control systems, especially special card access control systems with anti-tail getting features, can instantly detect and prevent unauthorized tailgating entrances by making sure that only one person enters your property per detected authorized credential.
- Backdoor Entrances – every entry point to your business is technically a security risk, including service entrances, back doors, or emergency exits. When you thoroughly Implement card access systems throughout your commercial property, every entrance to and from your business will become a controlled and monitored access point. This eliminates the chances of somebody easily walking into an unlocked emergency exit, service entrance, or backdoor, trying to really leave your property much more secure than it would be without card access control systems installed.