Several locksmith companies that are not legitimate have sprout to offer these services to people who genuinely need these services. Several people have fallen trap to them and incurred losses in terms of money, time and their efforts, either in pursuit of these defrauding companies or while in pursuit of the services. Legitimate companies that offer locksmith services may bear similar names in order to broaden their chances in the business directories. The following tips offered by the Federal trade Commission can assist you in identifying and avoiding scam:
Check on company’s specific name
It is important to be cautious of the companies that use generic terms while answering calls. For example, a company may use “locksmith services” instead of the specific name of the company. A locksmith should provide the name of the business failure to which you should look for another locksmith.
Ask for identity documents
Once the locksmith arrives, you should en-quire for their identifying documents and where applicable, ask for the locksmith license. In cities such as Texas, California, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Alabama are some of the areas that require all locksmiths to have the locksmith license.
Inquire about the charges
Before the locksmith starts the task, it is vital to know about the cost of the services. These costs include the extra charges such as mileage, service call and the emergency hour costs. Some of the locksmith will tend to overcharge if you do not en-quire in advance.
Find a reputable locksmith company
Getting references from other people who know of legitimate locksmith companies and with a good reputation will help you avoid scam. Knowing the addresses and the location where the companies are based is good even before you need their services. Jolt down these details for future use when you will require the services.
Compare the prices
The on-site price and the on-phone prices should be the same. If the prices differ, it is only safer to halt the contracting for the service. It is most likely that the locksmith has intentions of defrauding you money or the company you contacted has sent a different person who is likely to be a fraudster.
Ensure the vehicle is marked
Mostly, legitimate locksmiths will use clearly labeled vehicles such as company names and labels. If the locksmith arrives in your home or the site with unmarked vehicle, do not trust them as they are likely to be illegitimate.
Do not allow replacing or drilling of the lock
If the person insists that they drill or replace the lock, it is safer to look for another locksmith service provider. A legitimate and a highly experienced locksmith will have the tools and the skills required to perform the task and can effectively unlock any type of door.
If the above mentioned tips are well observed, this means that you are less likely to fall trap of locksmith scam. Being on the lookout will help you to easily identify some of these behaviors that are used by illegitimate locksmith companies or individuals.
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