Monthly Archives: November 2023

Frequently Asked Questions About Lockboxes

Lockboxes are usually placed on the front door of a property, but some people place them on side doors or back doors for more discretion – which we recommend. If your home only has a front door, we recommend purchasing a higher quality locks and using other security systems like smart locks, CCTV cameras, and alarms for additional security layers

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Guide to Smart Doorbells

It’s estimated that three quarters of all homes in the United States are likely to experience a burglary in a 20 year span, regardless of the area. Smart doorbells can help deter thieves who generally prefer to target homes with limited security infrastructure. In a recent study, 83 percent of burglars were said to search for security cameras before attempting a home break in, and that 60 percent of burglars would consider a different property if a security camera was present. By having security footage taken with a smart doorbell, crimes can be easier solved after a burglary.

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